Vital Greens & Reds: A Superfood Powder That Stands Up to Scrutiny

You’ve probably have heard a whole lot about superfoods at this point, but how super are they, really?

With all the marketing money and scientific jargon getting thrown around… It can be dang near impossible to tell fact from fiction. That’s why we’re here to cut through the clutter (as usual!) and give you some solid, simple info on superfoods. Plus, what they can do for your health. 

At its most basic, a superfood is simply a nutrient-rich food that’s particularly beneficial for your health and well-being. Doesn’t sound so complicated, right? 

Well, that part isn’t! Where it gets messy is determining exactly which superfoods will work best for your specific issues, as well as making sure you actually get what you’re paying for. 

Read on to learn what to look for, what to look out for, and why Vital Greens & Reds, in particular, is a top-tier option to boost your baseline nutrition. 

In This Article:

First, the Simple Answer: Why Do I Need a Superfood Powder?

Here’s a quick review of why almost all of us would benefit from adding a superfood powder to our supplement routine. Because, despite the fact most of what you see on these superfood labels is marketing, our bodies do require a diverse range of micronutrients to thrive.

1. We’re Just Not Getting Enough Fruits and Veggies

Don’t get us wrong — it’s not personal! It’s a systemic issue: Most Americans don’t consume enough fruits and veggies.

According to the CDC, only 1 in 10 adults (so, like, 10%) are actually getting the recommended amounts of fresh fruits and veggies each day.

2. This Is a Serious Issue

Fruits, schmruits. Is it really that big of a deal if you eat fewer fruits and veggies than is recommended?

Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding yes. It is a big deal, because our bodies need micronutrients to complete the various processes and functions that keep us alive. Not getting enough nutrients from your food can lead to what Dr. Neal calls “diseases of deficiencies.”

3. Superfood Powders are Realistic Solutions

In an ideal world, we’d all have plenty of the following: Time to plan our meals, access to nutritious foods, and verified health education to help inform our choices.

But that’s not the world we live in, is it? While it’s always best to get your nutrients from whole foods, incorporating a superfood powder into your diet can be a convenient way to boost your intake of essential nutrients and support your overall health and wellness. 

With Vital Greens & Reds, you can easily increase your intake of key vitamins and minerals while also closing any gaps in nutrition that may be missing from your daily meals, despite your best efforts.

Let’s Get Smart About Superfood Powders

If you’ve still got questions, keep reading! Because we’re diving right into what makes a superfood a superfood. Plus, why so many options on the market are actually just second-rate food products, not superfoods.

The key lies in the ingredients, of course!

Superfood Powder Ingredients: How Does Vital Greens & Reds Stack Up?

Sure, there’s a superfood blend on every shelf these days — but the market is flooded with questionably-sourced, poorly-formulated, and downright ineffective options.

(Think we’re joking? Do some research on the ingredients in your favorite superfood powder, and then get back to us. If it’s up to our standards, we’ll happily eat crow.)

To ensure you’re getting the best support for your health, you need carefully crafted dosages of well-chosen, bioavailabile ingredients.

This is where our Vital Greens & Reds stands out from the crowd.

While most blends contain synthetic, isolated forms of vitamins that aren’t easily utilized by the body, ours uses real food. Dr. Neal’s expert formula is packed with actual fruits and veggies like blueberries, acerola cherries, beets, and spinach — meaning each dose offers a broad spectrum of (non-GMO!) micronutrients

Paired with gut-restoring probiotics, essential digestive enzymes, and antioxidants, Vital Greens & Reds hits all the bases for maintaining optimal nutrient levels for a whole, active life. And thanks to our strict third-party testing, our supplements are free of all impurities and thoroughly batch-tested for quality and potency. 

And that’s where another key difference shows up: contaminants.

Superfood Powder Contaminants: How Does Vital Greens & Reds Stack Up?

But wait, how could something marketed as a healthy option contain distinctly not-healthy things?!

Here’s the unfortunate truth: Supplements, especially veggie-based superfood powders, often contain several common contaminants like bacteria, heavy metals, and pesticides

Bacterial contamination, for example, can occur if the veggie powder has been harvested or stored improperly. At worst, this can lead to food-borne illnesses or allergic reactions — at best, it simply undermines any benefit you might otherwise get from your veggie blend. 

Same goes for heavy metals: lead and mercury can also be found in veggie superfoods because they often remain in the soil where they were grown even if they weren’t directly added to the product.

Pesticides and herbicides, too, can contaminate veggie superfoods supplement powders if not removed during processing — and nobody wants to be eating pesticides, right?

Re: These contaminants? It should go without saying, but we’ll say it anyways. Our Vital Greens & Reds superfood powder was formulated to not only offer maximum absorption, but also to deliver results safely.

We source our superfoods from organic growers and, yes, we do actually test for heavy metals like lead and arsenic! Every bottle through strict quality control processes to ensure safety and potency. How many other brands can say that, and back up the claim too?

The Superfood Strategy: Getting the Most from Your Superfood Powder

Here’s the part where we teach you how to avoid wasting money on well-branded bunk.

When it comes to strategy, as always, we like to start with the bottom of the Wellness Pyramid, where the lifestyle domains live. Because while adding a superfood to your daily routine won’t hurt, it’s not going to make a major impact on your health without the proper foundation to support it. Sound familiar?

Sure, Vital Greens & Reds is our go-to solution for maintaining baseline nutrition in a busy world, and hits all the bases for maintaining optimal nutrient levels for a whole, active life. But it’s not magic!

Like we say again and again, you can’t out-supplement a nutritionally bankrupt lifestyle. So what can you do to boost your superfood, at the same time that it’s boosting you?

1. Diet, Diet, Diet

And to be clear, we don’t mean ‘go on a diet’ — we mean ‘be thoughtful and consistent about what you eat.’ 

While a superfood blend may well fill all your micronutrient gaps, it’s up to you to handle the macronutrients. We won’t go full dietician here (there’s Counterside Consults for that!), but we’ll say this: fueling up consistently with wholesome, nutrient-dense foods is absolutely necessary for building your wellness foundation.

Learn More: Mastering Holistic Nutrition: Dr. Neal’s Top 5 Diet Guidelines

2. Discernment, Discernment, Discernment

Not all superfood blends are made the same. Like we said above, many of the options you see on the shelves just aren’t up to snuff. In fact, they’re usually banking on their multimillion dollar marketing campaigns to do most of the heavy lifting.

Whether they contain contaminants, their ingredients are processed within an inch of their lives, or they simply don’t include real foods — there’s lots of ways to drop the ball. So don’t buy superfood powders willy nilly, alright?

3. Dedication, Dedication, Dedication

Okay, so, you don’t really need to become a Vital Greens & Reds evangelist to get the benefits. (We won’t stop you though!)

When we say dedication, we really mean consistency. While this won’t be new to anyone following our content, we think it bears repeating — consistency works better than perfection, every single time. It is incredibly important to be discerning, do your own research, and choose the highest-quality options available, but most important of all is sticking with it. 

Even the most powerful superfood blend (like Vital Greens & Reds) will only work optimally if you give it a fair shot. And that means incorporating it into your routine in a sustainable way so you can stay the course and see results.

Recap: Supercharge Your Superfoods

If you’re looking to improve your health and feel better, but just can’t seem to eat enough fruit and vegetables, you’re not alone! That’s why the superfood market just keeps booming — on paper, they’re great sources of natural energy and micronutrients. 

When it comes to the day-to-day, though, many of these options get caught lacking. 

Not Vital Greens & Reds, though! We stand behind Dr. Neal’s unique superfood blend because it’s made with organic, third-party-tested ingredients and carefully formulated to give you the boost you need (and deserve!). With none of the filler or contaminants, obviously.

With our 100% plant-based formula, Vital Greens & Reds offers a jam-packed nutrient punch that’s suitable for everyone (including vegetarians and vegans) — with just one scoop a day.