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One of Our Experts
Totally Free.

Dr. Neal Smoller, PharmD

I believe supplements should only be recommended after an experienced professional takes the time to get to know a person and their unique needs.

Dr. neal
holistic pharmacist, founder

The Counterside Consult

We’re bringing the experience of Dr. Neal’s holistic pharmacy online.

We want a trusted, credentialed expert to be as accessible to you as an old-school pharmacist was…
as accessible as Neal is to his pharmacy patients.

We don’t always need a lengthy conversation to solve our problems; we just need the ear of someone knowledgeable to get us started down a more strategic wellness plan.

How it Works

  • Pick a time to chat in Calendly (or access us via live chat)
  • Answer 3 questions
  • Meet with an expert at your scheduled time

What You Get

  • Up to 15 uninterrupted minutes with an expert
  • A true holistic care plan for your situation
  • A Wellness Roadmap, customized to your personal wellness journey

Price: Absolutely FREE

  • New Customers get 1 Session for free
  • Current, active customers get up to 2 sessions per month for free