The Busy Person’s Guide to Supplement Success: Maximize Results with Minimum Effort

In today’s fast-paced world where deadlines loom, to-do lists are endless, and every moment is consumed by productivity, it’s no surprise that our wellness often takes a back seat. Between work, family, and the chaos of modern life, finding time to prioritize health optimization can feel near impossible.

But here’s the good news: You don’t need hours to carve out time to research each and every supplement you take.

Actually, what you need is a science-backed, sustainable supplement strategy. With the right strategic approach, even the busiest professionals can get the health benefits they need without the headaches. Read on for Dr. Neal‘s 3 simple steps to creating a supplement strategy that works for you — without adding more work to your plate.

In This Article:

Wait, Why Do I Need a Supplement Strategy in the First Place?

If you’ve strolled down a supplement aisle in the last few years then we don’t need to tell how overwhelming that experience can be. 

Every vitamin, nutrient, and so-called miracle compound has multiple options. Garbage powders with multimillion-dollar branding campaigns sit on the same shelves as clinically-verified supplements. Wellness influencers have folks in a tizzy over this new herb or that electrolyte mix nearly every week. 

Paired with the lack of meaningful regulations around supplement safety, and you have a recipe for the perfect, money-wasting disaster. All because you wanted to optimize your health!

The wellness industry is projected to reach a whopping $9 trillion by 2028. It’s an incredibly profitable arena to be in these days because, well, a lot of people feel like crap. 

But just because you don’t feel your best (yet!), doesn’t mean you have to be swindled by the snake oil salesmen. Once equipped with a personalized supplement strategy, you’ll become immune to the marketing speak that confuses thousands of well-intended wellness seekers every year. 

3 Steps to Creating a Personalized Supplement Strategy

Before diving into supplements, remember that no amount of supplements can replace the fundamentals. The foundation of your wellness starts with the basics: diet, sleep, exercise, stress management, and lifestyle changes.

AKA, the Wellness Pyramid.

Because it’s true that supplements, when taken strategically, can help fill the inevitable gaps in our nutrition. And bolster our health against the stressors and toxins of our modern lives.

But, as we always say, you can’t out-supplement a nutritionally bankrupt diet or totally sedentary lifestyle! Once you’re working on these areas, you’re ready for these 3 steps to strategic supplementation.

1. Define Your Why

Without a clear picture of what you’re hoping to accomplish with a particular supplement, you’re more susceptible to the well-branded bunk that over-promises and under-delivers.

Or, as Dr. Neal so eloquently intones, it’s easy to become a “hope-ium addict.”

The reason why you take a supplement shouldn’t be just “general health,” either. Your why should be set in stone long before you choose which brand to purchase from or what dose to take. Whether you’re looking to address a common nutrient deficiency — à la the vital5 — or overcome a specific health concern, the core goals of your supplementation need to be defined.

2. Figure Out Your What

What is it that will actually help you reach your health goals? As in, what has been proven to be effective according to the verified research and scientific data we have available.

Thankfully, when it comes to addressing nutrient deficiencies, the first what of this process has been simplified with the vital5. After decades of research and clinical experience, Dr. Neal determined the 5 most common nutrient deficiencies that are impacting the health and wellness of Americans every day.

Omega-3. Probiotics. Protein. Bone Support. Multivitamins.

The next set of whats to ask yourself stems from these essential nutrients. What brand, what dose, what timeline, etc. Because, unfortunately, it’s not as simple as picking up any omega-3 supplement you see in the store if you want to see real, lasting results.

3. Determine Your When

Speaking of timelines… Did you know that most supplements work by offering a cumulative effect to your body?

Even when a supplement is backed by science or selling like hotcakes, it will still take time to have a palpable result. So, instead of giving up after a month or adding in new supplements for more tangible results: BE PATIENT.

Before adding any new vitamin or nutrient into your supplement strategy, set clear and realistic expectations on the timeline. Define your when and take your supplement consistently during that timeframe.

Our recommendation? Pick a date 3-6 months from now, and check in with yourself when that day comes up. If you’re still not seeing results after 3-6 months of steady use, then you can freak out.

A Supplement Strategy That Works for You, Not the Other Way Around

Need help establishing a realistic timeline for your supplement? Curious about why 95% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D? Want to know which dose of omega-3 will actually boost your brain health?

All your questions and more are answered on this humble, health-centered blog. So click around a little! Or, for more personalized advice, give one of our supplement experts a call. Our Counterside Consults are always open and always free.