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What makes omega-3 a vital5 nutrient?

Learn more about the data-backedbenefits of omega-3 on heart function, cognition, mental health, and more.

of Americans aren't getting enough omega-3 in their diets *
0 %

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats

that help regulate the body’s inflammatory responses. These critical nutrients play a pivotal role in combatting chronic inflammation, improving joints, boosting eye health, and supporting the heart.

Yet most of us aren’t getting nearly enough* from our diets according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys.

Meet the 3 Crucial Omega-3 Fatty Acids Your Body Needs to Thrive


Alpha-linolenic acid is an omega-3 found in plants and plant products, like flaxseed oil. Our bodies can’t produce ALA inherently, so this omega-3 is considered an essential fatty acid. 

Recent research has revealed that ALA can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, combat oxidative stress, and improve both memory and mood


EPA, or eicosapentaenoic acid, is typically found in cold-water fatty fish like salmon. Studies have shown EPA to have a beneficial effect on triglyceride content, promoting healthy cholesterol levels.

EPA can help reduce inflammation, while also lowering the risk of strokes and heart disease and improving symptoms of depression.


Docosahexaenoic acid — DHA for short — is best known for its positive effects on brain health. Found in both shellfish and fatty fish, DHA is actually required for proper brain functioning in adults. 

Clinical research on DHA has shown it is well tolerated and can benefit cognition, learning, memory, and mental well-being, as well as improve blood flow to the brain. 

But how much omega-3 do you really need?

The National Institute of Health recommends that adults get 1.1-1.6g of ALA per day, but experts haven’t established daily intakes for EPA and DHA yet.

In addition, cutting-edge clinical studies have shown that low-dose omega-3 carries little benefit, whereas higher doses (2,000-3,00mg per day) can support joint, heart, and brain health.

Ready to find the dose that will work for you, specifically? Chat with one of our supplement experts for free today.

To get the high-dose levels of omega-3 needed for maximum health benefit you would need to eat:

To get the high-dose levels of omega-3 needed for maximum health benefit you would need to eat:

Industry-Leading Omega-3 Supplements to Fill Dietary Gaps

Deep Dive


Get The




of omega-3 supplementation

Adequate and/or higher levels of omega-3 are associated with improved cognitive performance, as well as:


of omega-3 deficiency

Low omega-3 levels are associated with major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and ADHD, as well as:

Dr. Neal's Top 3: The Best Options for Omega-3 Supplements

$56.99 | 120 Capsules

● Certified sustainably sourced
● From non-GMO, wild-caught fish
● Tested for heavy metals, PCBs, toxins
● Enteric coating to prevent rancidity
● Best value-to-dose ratio around

$62.39 | 120 Capsules

● Certified sustainably sourced
● Processed for purity
● Concentrated EPA and DHA dose
● Made in the USA
● Free from artificial colors and flavors

$18.99 | 30 Capsules

● Sustainably sourced
● Suitable for vegans
● Algae oil source of DHA
● Made with non-GMO whole foods
● Free from gluten and soy

Learn More About Omega-3

But omega-3 is just one of the

Meet the other four nutrients to optimize before anything else.


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